Greetings, Responsible Adult!

Welcome to the midlife musings and mildly interesting world of Annmarie O'Connor.

That’s me, by the way…

A woman with dark blonde long curly hair and bangs sits on a window sill holding an ice-cream. She is smiling and wearing pink sunglasses and a suit with a burgundy roll neck knit.
Photo: Hazel Coonagh

Thanks for stopping by. A bit about me: I’m a 50-year-old fashion editor, best-selling author and has-been stylist. I’m single; I still rent; and don’t know how to drive. Oh, and I have early-onset Parkinson’s disease. Admittedly, my life may sound like a Country and Western song, but I can assure you, it’s far less dramatic.

When I’m not dealing with daily motor shenanigans, thanks to my depleted dopamine levels, I’m losing keys, forgetting names, sneaking a midday nap and getting shameless delight in being tucked up in bed by 9 p.m. It’s rock-n-roll, folks, but not as we know it. 

What my everyday lacks in excitement, it makes up for with delicious absurdity. Sure, I may look like a functioning member of society, but scratch the surface, and you’ll find relentless existential shenanigans hand-delivered by the universe. These, my friends, are the story-making moments of my life: the ones I share with you. 

Speaking of sharing, check out the perks you’ll get as a Responsible Adult below!

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What? A bi-weekly blog sharing midlife musings from a 50-year-old fashion editor, author, and has-been stylist with Parkinson’s disease. I may have swapped runway shows and photoshoots for neurology and physiotherapy appointments, but I always make it stylish. Well, most of the time…

When? Twice a week, but on no fixed dates. Sometimes the muse flat-out flips me the bird or Parkinson’s hijacks my fine motor skills. Mostly, I’m a stubborn Taurean with a soft spot for deadlines. Don’t worry about missing anything. Every new post goes directly to your inbox as if hand-delivered by a responsible adult.

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  • PLUS exclusive live readings of my new fiction book as it is being written (25,000 words and counting).

Now over to you. If there’s anything you’d like to see, put it in the suggestion box below. In the meantime, I look forward to meeting you all!

Annmarie x

Subscribe to Wanted: A Responsible Adult

Midlife musings from the mildly interesting world of Annmarie O'Connor


Fashion editor, bestselling author, mini-podcaster, and has-been stylist with early-onset Parkinson's disease.